Nature deficit disorder - the connection between nature and behavior problems

Years ago, we went to school one mile, without turning a hair. Then we came home, stopping frequently to play unsupervised in the park unattended. After all, it was a park, children should play there.

These assumptions were admitted we were safer in the days before Madeleine McCann and Tori Stafford. The horrific stories of kidnapping the girls' remind us that the situation is very different from their parents and health professionals face in today's time. Our children aredriven to school in buses and cars. We would think twice before they left to go home alone without supervision. So they're playing alone in the park or the woods behind the house is unthinkable.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

The result is that our children grow up with less personal contact with the natural world. As Richard Louv writes in his book Last Child Out of the Woods: "Today Save our children from nature deficit disorder, children are aware of global threats to the environment - but theirThe physical contact, their intimacy with nature disappears. "

Nature deficit disorder - the connection between nature and behavior problems

We need to deprive our children of a connection with nature, which is good for growth and development?

This is the question posed in his book, Louv. Suffers a convincing argument for the consequences of our children, when you are deprived of their intimate relationship with the natural world. He makes the case for the continuing increase of ADHD, ADD and other behavioral problems as a direct result of the lack of contact withThe nature in the lives of our children. Nature-deficit disorder and hyperactivity manifests as violence in our society.

He cites studies showing that increased exposure to natural settings (even for 20 minutes) the ability to focus and concentration in children. Students who show a 20 minute walk in the park best in tests of memory and attention. Other studies have shown that children perform in public housing, access to green spaces arebetter emotionally and intellectually than those who do not have such access. The tests also show that we can improve given the nature of the test results.

Investing in children

Louv insists that time is of the nature and the nature of an act of investment in the health of our children. It allows them a fundamental part of us that is larger than life to connect and enable them to appreciate the wisdom of universal forces and cyclical.

Take our child to walk all the times wepossible.

Replace part of our lawn with native plants. Keep a birdbath.

Do you have a hunting party in the park or beach pebbles.

Building something with stones and pebbles collected.

Build a tree house or fort in the courtyard.

Give our children a pet. You can teach them so much supernatural wisdom.

Take a daily part of family tradition now green.

Nature deficit disorder - the connection between nature and behavior problems

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