Essential oils can help Attention Deficit Disorder

It can occur in children with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit disorder in adults and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with many different symptoms. It is estimated that more than 8 million adults suffer from some form of ADHD in the United States. This condition can be characterized by inattentiveness, difficulty, labor, deportation and / or organizational problems. Sound familiar? In fact, many adults diagnosed chaotic lifeThe life and try to improve their symptoms, to treat with drugs and alcohol. State treatment in children and adults with drug and behavioral therapy. It can be a little help from nature? YES! The research led by Dr. Terry Friedman MD a few years ago used simply by inhaling the essential oils with very positive results.

Essential oils can help

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

In the study Dr. Friedman has shown significant results in essential oils in 60 days to reduce symptoms of ADD and ADHD.The oils used in his study of vetiver, cedar and lavender, which has proposed to stimulate the brain's limbic system, where emotions are controlled. Vetiver and cedar are both high in sesquiterpenes, a compound that blocks the blood-brain barrier. They can help clear and focused concentration? Many believe they can with daily use. Lavender relaxing in his study. This is actually a great combination of oils. I would recommend that inhalation of the oilsTime and if you take the body, then a layer rather than in a single mix. Other oils were found to be useful in ADD and ADHD, sandalwood, cardamom, peppermint, frankincense.

Essential oils can help Attention Deficit Disorder

There is some evidence that attention deficit disorder, which can be caused by lack of minerals in the diet. That would make sense because we know that the concentration of vitamins and minerals in our food chain over the past 50 years has decreased. Many believethat can be achieved by increasing the daily intake of magnesium, potassium and other trace elements that help to dissolve ADD. Want to know more about what oils fall of the symptoms of ADD and ADHD?

Essential oils can help Attention Deficit Disorder

