Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) means no attention skills. Perhaps you are aware of this type of behavior if you were in elementary school. Can you remember the student who frequently interrupted the class? Do you know who caught throwing a paper airplane, or in chat when the teacher told the story. And when the teacher was frustrated, the teacher told students in a corner on the back side of the room. And if this hasdoes not work, the student outside the classroom door for the duration of the course was to stand. And, of course, when the student pushed the teacher, the last button, the teacher who gave students a way to go in the office. This escalation of discipline teacher was all in the name of the change in student behavior.
In the 21 century, this type of behavior of students known as ADD. Children with ADHD are hyperactive. And all these years we thought it was hyperactivitytoo much sugar. According to Dr. Frank Lawlis, author of The Answer - How to help your child now a student who does not argue and challenge the authority hyperactive, because his / her brain is in full swing, is that the students were trying to get the his / her brain into high gear.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes
Let's take a look in the brain and how it works. The brain moves into one of four different conditions of guards to fall asleep. You may have heard the beta state. UsExperience this state every day when we wake up. During this condition, think and solve problems, while our brain is working at 13 Hertz.
In the alpha state, we relax and calm down. Perhaps we are to pray or meditate. Of course we can with other things in this state as well as put your feet up and dream with open eyes, while on a cappuccino. Measurement in this state, our brains around 8-12 Hz.
Then the theta state. This condition occurs just before falling asleep. During thisState is our creativity at its peak, and we can no problems with the way in which the conscious mind to solve. Our brains do an easy 4-8 Hz.
Finally, we give in Delta State. This state is when we sleep our body and have the ability to heal itself. In this state, our brain bottomed out at 0.5 Hz.
This brings us to a very important point. Dr. Lawlis says that children with ADD experience of their hours awake in alpha or theta state. To allow these childrenpush the head in beta status, it needs to create tension. You know, the kind of excitement that gets into trouble - like hitting a classmate, throwing balls of paper or talk while the teacher talks. Teachers see the activities listed as untenable.
Disruptive behavior in school can lead our children into a life of its mechanisms of control. These mechanisms in the 21 Century, side effects are usually prescription drugs. Side effects mayImpact on the child as good as you. Your child may have growth problems and depression and / or anxiety, to name a few. You may lose time from work because of your child's behavior at school and spend money on useless "properly" is.
Many times parents are frustrated and forced to think of the box, when drugs fail. Parents who are fed up and forced to educate yourself watching, and with the help of doctors, support groups andacademic researchers. After spending their parents on the education system, there are other viable solutions, with or without medication.
Dr. Lawlis is a drug that does not believe that the only way to treat ADD. It takes into account nutrition, environment and technology. Parents and the child receives in his interactive program. The parent's role is to clean the child's diet and the environment at home. The child can be to play and learn to control and correct ADDSymptoms.
Dr. Lawlis is the creator of the Bio-acoustic device used (baud). BAUD creates sound waves that work to maneuver with brain frequencies by an electroencephalogram (EGG). In effect, this increases the concentration, memory, and metabolism. This device is good for ADD, ADHD, depression and anxiety. The best part is that this device is small and your child can use in the comfort of your home.
We have not solved all the answers to the health of our childrenConcerns. But through education, nutrition, environmental modification and the use of technology, there are many answers.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) - The cause and solution