ADHD - Idaho Chiropractic Neurology

ADHD - Idaho Chiropractic Neurology Tube. Duration : 11.53 Mins. "Ritalin is a common amphetamine stimulant drug prescribed to children by psychiatrists for the treatment of ADHD. On the street, these drugs are know as 'speed' yet they are prescribed to young children to help them settle down and focus. In a study funded by the FDA, researchers found a 500% increase in the risk of sudden death in kids who took drugs like Ritalin. And it's not just a risk either. Kids like Matthew Hohmann who suddenly collapsed and died in 2004 who was taking these amphetamine stimulant drugs. So, what does the FDA say about this? They claim that the "benefits are worth the risks" and continue to allow children all across the nation to take these hard drugs." SSRIs Prescribed for Autistic Children Make Them Worse by SL Baker, features writer In the past decade, prescriptions for Ritalin, a stimulant medication commonly used for attention deficit hyperactivity disorders(AD-HD), increased five-fold, with 90% of all prescriptions worldwide consumed in the United States. As many parents grow leery of the traditional medical approach to AD-HD, Chiroprcatic Neurologists, such as the Idaho Chiropractic Neurology here in Idaho Falls, ID, are offering promising results with non drug treatments that focus on postural muscles, nutrition and lifestyle changes that affect brain activity. Our philosophy at the Idaho Chiropractic Neurology is to TREAT THE CHILD NOT THE LABEL. Chiropractic Neurologists offer a non-drug and non-invasive treatment ...

Tags: ADHD, ADD, Child Development Disorders, Idaho Chiropractic Neurology, idahospinehealth

