The current ADHD definition in research is faulty and misunderstood by many ADHD researchers. ADHD is very complex. We who have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) need to understand it to choose the best ADHD treatment strategy for each of us personally. Having the symptoms of ADHD can be a disorder, depending on circumstances and situations, but ADHD is not an illness, sickness or disease.
The definition of ADHD is found in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition). This is the standard reference in defining mental disorders in research. Except for a few minor revisions, this manual is twenty years old.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes
These diagnoses are based on scientific attitudes from the 1980s. Our knowledge of the brain has increased twenty fold over this twenty-year period, mainly thanks to technology that was not yet invented in the 1980s. The ADHD diagnosis criteria do not reflect the advances over the last two decades.
The next version of the ADHD diagnosis, in the DSM-V, is being rushed out to keep to the timetable. It is due in the spring of 2012, but in January 2011 is behind schedule.
If you, your spouse or your child has ADHD you will be aware of the difficulties that come with attention deficit. But are you aware of the positive sides of the ADHD personality? Any treatment, cure or solution needs to take consideration of the strengths and positive sides to be really effective.
We should not kill off our creativity, enthusiasm and sparkle to be able to concentrate. That is where natural formulated supplements are superior to ADHD medication. Another of the ADHD treatments and strategies is choosing an occupation that suits our ADHD personality and temperament. This is a healthier lifestyle choice than a daily dose of an ADHD drug.
Treating ADHD symptoms can be difficult enough if you know what you are doing, but if you are following the crowd and follow wrong treatment advice, it becomes more difficult in the long run. ADHD solutions need to be for life, and not a quick fix for the moment. This is the attraction of natural ADHD strategies and cures.
Problems with DSM-IV ADHD Definition
Since the DSM-IV is the ADHD definition we need to understand a little background about this statistical manual of mental disorders. One important fact is that it refers to statistical data. Are you or your loved one a statistical data? If not, think on these things:
The DSM-IV ADHD definition is categorical. If you have six of nine criteria, you have ADHD, but if you have five of these nine criteria you do not have ADHD. That is statistically and by definition. Real life ADHD symptoms vary dimensionally. They vary from sometimes and mild, to nearly always and severe. Someone with four of nine criteria that are severe has more of a problem than someone with nine out of nine criteria, but mild. There are no objective medical tests to determine if someone has attention deficit or hyperactivity. The "tests" are either subjective, relying on parents' and teachers' attitudes and opinions, or artificial and are not relevant to the lives of the children tested.
If you want a lasting solution to ADHD, there are natural cures, strategies and treatments for your particular combination of ADHD symptoms. ADHD medication manipulates the dopamine system for a few hours, and then it is back to the attention deficit and/or hyperactivity symptoms. They do control the symptoms for a few hours, but do nothing to cure the pervasive problems.
If ADHD is really caused by a dopamine imbalance, then I ask one question. How do they explain how the child who was dopamine deficient at school can be perfectly focused and concentrated half an hour later at home while engaged in a favourite pastime?
Mainstream research has no adequate ADHD definition, because attention deficit and hyperactivity are complicated, but we who are affected by attention deficit in our lives need to come to terms with how it affects us individually and develop the optimum lifestyle and coping strategies to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
ADHD Definition and Research or What We Need to Know About Our Own Personal ADHD