The discussion as to whether ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is real or not has swung 180 degrees over the course of the last five years in favor of its existence. Over the last 100 years there have numerous theories about what could cause a condition beginning in childhood whose symptoms could include inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity/restlessness. Some of these include allergies and food sensitivities (Feingold), poor diet, bad parenting, defiance, being strong willed, problems with morality, brain damage, toxic exposure, and injury to the brain. While the list of causes is broad in scope each has its own merits and may in fact be responsible for a small percentage of cases with a few exceptions such as bad parenting and morality. An example of a theory having some merit would be food allergies and sensitivities which account for about 2% of all cases.
But the question we are asking is it real or imagined? As brain scan technology has improved so has the case for ADHD. A tremendous amount of research has been done to try to determine the exact biological cause of ADHD and as of today the exact cause is still unknown. While we don't know the exact cause biological research combined with statistical analysis is starting to unveil the wizard behind the curtain known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes
*Genetics: Statistical analysis has found that ADHD runs in families. A couple of recent studies found that first degree relatives (parents or siblings) of someone with ADHD have a five times greater chance of also having the condition than someone who has no close relatives with the condition.
*Biological /Chemical: Drug companies have lead the way here spending billions of dollars to find answers. Their focus has been on showing a link between certain brain chemicals and the symptoms of ADHD. Some of the more advanced theories include the thought that one neurotransmitter (brain messenger chemical) has more effect in one hemisphere of the brain than the other. There are three commonly mentioned neurotransmitters in ADHD research; norepinephrine, dopamine, and occasionally serotonin. The most recent research suggests that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has to do with neurotransmitter imbalances in certain areas of the brain with most research suggesting that ADHD is a problem of balance between the activities of norepinephrine and dopamine.
In summary, it is fair to say that ADHD does exist and it is a biological condition with a genetic backdrop. While the ADHD controversy concerning the conditions existence is bordering on conclusion the topic of its exact cause is just now heating up.
Additionally, due to the side effects risk associated with prescription medication many individuals and parents of ADHD children alike are searching for a natural side effect free treatment option. Perhaps the most popular of these is homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies for ADHD are a side effect free alternative that is safe for all ages. If you have been searching for a natural alternative to address such problematic symptoms as inattention, impulsivity, erratic behavior, and restlessness this is an affordable solution worth considering.
ADHD Controversy - Is ADHD Real Or Imagined?