A Holistic Approach to the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

If the child is exhibiting conditions associated with ADHD, go through the following checklist. (We haven't outlined the symptoms of ADHD, as these can be found on a number of sites concerned with ADHD).


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

Is the child allergic to any foods - allergic reactions produce the same type of behaviour, as does ADHD? Does the child have a hearing difficulty? If children have difficulty hearing they can become very restless. Does the child have a visual problem? Some researchers have identified that children with visual tracking and visual focusing problems, can have very restless and inattentive behaviour. Is the child gifted - children who are very bright may become bored and restless and be mistaken as having ADHD. Check if the child is misbehaving at school or preschool.

A Holistic Approach to the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


To determine if the child has a food allergy, make a chart of the food the child eats and the times the child behaves badly see if there is a connection between the behaviour and the child's diet. Have a full medical check. This eliminates any medical problems as a cause for the behaviour. Also have a full visual and hearing check. If after the medical, hearing and visual checks, there is still a problem, have the child formally assessed by a pediatrician. The next step is that of identifying all the coexisting conditions. You can have this done by having a full Diagnostic Assessment done by a psychologist and Specialist Learning Support teacher. Treatments should be determined by a multidisciplinary team of professionals working together to determine the treatments necessary. These should focus on modifying the behaviour and dealing with any learning and/or emotional difficulties.

Some Hints on Managing the Behaviour regardless of cause.

o Get into a routine and stick to it (include fun times and laughter)
o Be consistent with discipline and offer rewards where appropriate.
o As an outlet for anger set up a punching bag or get the child to play sport.
o Use positive language, keep directions short, maintain calm.
o Agree together on consequences/rewards for behaviour.

In summary the challenge in catering for a child diagnosed with ADHD, is to find the treatment that suits each child, this involves treating not just the behaviour but also all the coexisting conditions. It is finding the pieces of the puzzle that fit for each child.

© Marguerite Clancy

A Holistic Approach to the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

