Children are naturally active and full of energy. However, in hyperactive children of this failure is accompanied by a perceptual motor deficits, emotional lability, and the short attention span, if not end up feeling things, poor concentration, impulsive behavior and aggressive, then we are dealing with ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) children.
The guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics call (AAP)that a child shows inattention or impulsivity - with or without hyperactivity - strong enough to change the settings of malfunction in 2 or more in at least six months before a diagnosis can be achieved by ADS.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes
There are a lot of concerns about the alleged "epidemic" of ADD in children today. The frequency of ADD with hyperactivity has been reported that children ages 4 to 20 percent of school age. There is a higher frequency in males than in females. In fact,10 boys for every girl 1.
More than two million American school-age children take the drug methylphenidate "Ritalin", which is often the first choice of treatment in mild cases of ADD, and is apparently often inappropriate for children who are not even required by ADD. Therefore, I urge parents to cope with side effects in the short and long term of this drug before they confirm their child, especially if less than 6 years. In reality, the drugs shouldnever the only treatment, or even the first treatment and medicines are not promoting long-term positive change, as if to stop the boys, they discover that none of their problems went away. On the other hand, encourage consultation and it is very important that the whole family to get involved to try. Parents should know that the presence of a supporting adult heart can only reduce the ADD inattention and hyperactivity in a child.
That parentsdo not know is that many cases of ADD may simply reflect poor nutritional status, especially earlier in life when the physical, mental and social.
nutrient deficiency is a significant number of children with ADHD. Food additives and food allergies are the most important factors in ADD with hyperactivity. Children with ADHD often are "unusually sensitive to diet and nutrition. For this reason, they react to the additives, when others are in order. Sun food allergy testingassessment and the presence of heavy metal are very important. Why is the assessment of heavy metals, you might ask me, this is because learning disabilities are characterized determined by analysis of hair from a general pattern of high concentrations of mercury, cadmium, lead, copper and manganese appear. Interestingly, on foot, poor diet and increased concentrations of heavy metals generally go hand in hand, well known due to the lower consumption of dietary factors, these heavy metals chelates or decrease in itsAbsorption.
The ADD child completely falls apart when his blood sugar is low and hyper, it is too high. This shows that the influence of diet as the Member directly to the brain. Fortunately, the door proved to correct the deficiencies of an almost immediate improvement in basic mental function, several clinical studies have shown that dietary supplements can improve mental function in school-age children.
Therefore, parents of children with ADHDshould do the following:
1. Provide the child with nutritious meals served and engaging in an atmosphere free from tension and fashion should be consumed slowly in one.
2. Stark prevent their children from following diet plans:
a. food additives and food colorings
b. Exposure to environmental toxins
c. Excessive consumption of refined sugar
d. aspartame, as it is a neurotoxin
e. processed foods and foods made from whiteOf flour, like white bread, white rice, cakes, etc. ..
f. Tans fats and hydrogenated vegetable oils, processed foods are full of them. Please read the nutritional information when you shop in supermarkets.
g. Avoid heavy meals and fasting. Frequent small meals and snacks are much better.
3. Highly recommended, add the following meals in your children:
a. Increase your intake of water.
b. If he insists on drinking the juice, apple juice is the best choice withoutAdd sugar.
c. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and fish, brown rice, oats and lentils.
d. A greater amount of vitamin C and antioxidant-rich foods, as this vitamin is a week and will be binding and chelation to remove heavy metals. Examples: kiwi, raspberries, peaches, black currant, lemon, guava, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, Brussels sprouts.
e. An increased intake of foods rich in zinc as it helps with memory andLearning problems. It also states that children with ADHD defined zinc that only 2 / 3 of the level of people without ADHD have. Examples: pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, cereals, all bran, pine nuts, pecans, cashews, fish and eggs.
f. An increased intake of foods rich in magnesium. And 'know that 95% of the children of a lack of magnesium. Examples: tofu, legumes, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, wheat bran, Brazil nuts, soy flour, almonds, cashews, blackstrapseeds, molasses, pumpkin and squash, pine nuts, walnuts and black. Other good food sources of this mineral are peanuts, wheat flour, oatmeal, beet, spinach, pistachio nuts, shredded wheat, bran cereal, oatmeal, bananas and cocoa. Many herbs, spices and seaweed supply magnesium, such as agar seaweed, coriander, celery seed, sage, dry mustard, basil, fennel and cumin.
g. An increased intake of foods rich in Omega 3, like the children with ADHD have lessLevels of it. Examples: oily fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, salmon and tuna. We also find omega-3 in dark green vegetables, canola, sunflower oil, flaxseed and walnuts.
h. An increased intake of foods rich in iron. Examples: pumpkin seeds, dried figs, organic raisins, dried apricots, almonds, watercress, red beans and spinach.
i. Make eat the types of fat your family. U.S.: extra virgin olive oil, organic canola oil, sesame oil and cold dishes asSalads.
4. Finally, it gives the child ADD the following supplements:
a. A high-powered multivitamin and mineral content of formula
b. Magnesium 400 mg / day
c. Vitamin C 500 mg / day
d. linseed oil, as prescribed on the bottle
E. Vitamin B6 50mg/day
until the end, if your child is diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, there are many things you can do to improve, but he only drugs. First, you must ensure it is correctdiagnosed, you should go for the food allergy testing, heavy metal presence in assessment and counseling, which is involved in the whole family. Secondly, you should plan your diet, avoiding certain foods and others, also complements of certain nutrients that work on its shortcomings and the work of his brain function and his general well-being.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) - the best and worst foods for children with ADHD