What is Attention Deficit Disorder and hyperactivity?

What exactly is ADHD Attention - Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a developmental disorder usually causes inattention, distractibility, impulsivity and hyperactivity in children before the age of seven years. ADHD is a chronic disease that occurs in 3-5% of children around the world.

It is the controversy surrounding ADHD have been around since the 70s. Some people do not even believe that ADHD is a real disease;others believe that a genetic or physiological. Even more controversy surrounds the treatment of ADHD. Treatments include behavior modification, lifestyle, counseling, and stimulant medications.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

Now days every time a child is the parents think it's hyper ADHD. Between 2-16% of children diagnosed with ADHD at school and because there are drugs for the disease. Many children are often misdiagnosed. Many symptoms of ADHD can be attributed to other diseases, many of them to accompany ADHD. Since these combinations of symptoms occur together, this may complicate the diagnosis. There are five behavioral abnormalities that have been attributed to ADHD, but are not direct symptoms of ADHD. Many of these symptoms are mistaken as ADHD, when in fact they have the same disease and should be treated as such. The five problems are anxiety, depression, behavioral problems, learning disabilities and sensory integrationNoise>.

What is Attention Deficit Disorder and hyperactivity?

1 Fear is a psychological and physiological feelings of fear, anxiety and fear dominates. Fear can be a person, place, or be triggered by a feeling. The appeal can not be identified outside with other people. It 'difficult for children who are afraid, especially the fact that children express their feelings to diagnose much less than adults. Children with anxiety or occurring in areas normally used. This is because their internalConcern. Children do not know fear, how to handle or push their fears and take their threats as inevitable and uncontrollable.

2 Depression is a mood disorder with mixed feelings of sadness, helplessness, characterized, and the desperation that can lead to an aversion to activities. Depression can impair thinking, memory, cognitive flexibility and attention. People who suffer from depression seem to exclude it. You have difficulty concentrating, areirritable and have a lack of interest or initiation. Depression is a single cause. Family history, personality, pessimist, trauma and stress, physical and other mental disorders may all be associated with depression. For others, depression is not specific trigger or cause. Then give the children more difficult to have their feelings, it is important to identify depression in children by assessing the child's behavior in different contexts.

3Destructive behavior is when a child is not to decide is not active or messy and annoying. Especially in a school environment can be a problem, where the student is not disruptive to other students can learn. In some cases, children may intentionally interfere with, entertainment, fun and fresh. But children who have conduct disorder usually feel frustrated and rebel against the authorities to bring attention to them. This type of guys do not yet developedsufficient self-control, to act out and, finally, causing distractions to other students.

4 Learning Disabilities, a classification of diseases in which a person with learning difficulties. These diseases have received the brain's ability to process information and makes it particularly difficult to learn for the person affected. Because we do not know what caused this problem in the brain, learning difficulties are impossible to treat. Though There are other ways to work around learning disabilities. Intervention and support are the main options available to someone with learning difficulties. Learning disorders in children can lead to inattention, destructive behavior, anxiety and depression. There are many learning difficulties, such as reading, writing, mathematics disorder, visual perception, auditory, nonverbal, dyslexia, etc.

Sensory Integration Disorder 5 (CIS) is a neurological> Fault, if the person is unable to coordinate sensory information passes through the senses. If a child, the child may inattentive or hyperactive than the other. This is the child hypersensitive or under sensitive to sensory stimuli around him / her cause. A child with sensory integration dysfunction can be loud noises, lights, rough textures, or smells are in trouble, or vice versa, must handle the things that hang Upside down or cry.

As you know from the descriptions of each of these disorders can tell you that many of the same or very similar symptoms. Many of these diseases and support each other so that the person may have to deal with various diseases at the same time. Because many of these diseases are now affecting children, and to assess their importance to diagnose and correct. In order to correct for the proper treatment of> Noise and stop-medicating our children, the damage they cause in their future.

What is Attention Deficit Disorder and hyperactivity?

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