Teenage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a very real problem, one that many families are dealing with on a daily basis. As children enter their teen years and social and academic pressures mount, the symptoms of ADHD can make life that much harder. This is particularly true for teenage girls, who tend to be overlooked when it comes to ADHD diagnosis and treatment.
While ADHD is diagnosed in both boys and girls and usually presents by age 7, as children get older, it can be more difficult to distinguish the symptoms of ADHD from normal teen angst. In terms of attention deficit hyperactivity teenage girls are just as vulnerable yet they are less likely to be treated. This is because they don't usually exhibit the more disruptive hyperactivity that boys do.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes
In fact, teenage girls with ADHD are much more likely to be withdrawn. They will simply "space out" and not pay attention in class or overlook details and lose belongings. Because the behavior of girls with teenage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is not threatening or disruptive, it is much easier to write off as just flightiness, but these girls are just as much in need of help as their male counterparts, in many ways even more so.
Extensive studies have shown that teens with ADHD are more vulnerable to problems such as unwanted pregnancy, committing crimes, abusing drugs and having unprotected sex than those without the disorder. Among those with attention deficit hyperactivity teenage girls are even more prone to social and medical problems, including developing eating disorders or depression.
It is only in the last few years that awareness of teenage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has increased, particularly as it affects girls. While some children with ADHD will outgrow their symptoms during the teen years, many do not and for them, controlling their lack of concentration, hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness can be a daily struggle.
When it comes to treating attention deficit hyperactivity teenage girls are in dire need of options. Though stimulant based medications such as Ritalin are the most frequent form of treatment, they have proven ineffective in most cases, ignoring the underlying cause of the disorder and causing serious side effects. Less invasive options such as making dietary changes and using behavioral and educational therapy have had better results and more and more families are opting to go this route.
As an alternative to standard medications, homeopathic remedies offer a safe, gentle way of addressing both the symptoms of teenage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and correcting the neurological imbalance which causes it. Combining herbs such as Hyoscyamus, Arsen iod, and Tuberculinum with other plant based ingredients, these natural products can calm hyperactivity and sharpen focus without subjecting the patient to harmful side effects.
ADHD can be an ongoing battle, one that is particularly tough on teenage girls. Rather than dismiss their symptoms, it is crucial that you pay close attention and get your daughter the help she needs. There are effective treatments and with the right one, your daughter no longer has to suffer in silence.
Silent Suffering - Teenage Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Girls