Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or more commonly known as ADHD, is a common behavioral disorder that is seen and diagnosed in children. It not only affects children but it can also be present in any ages including adults. ADHD is described by psychiatrists as a neurobehavioral development disorder.
The cause of ADHD is still unknown; however experts have shown possible causes of its occurrence. The cause of ADHD can be related to hereditary disposition as most children diagnosed with ADHD often have family history of ADHD. Another cause that experts consider is the exposure of children to lead content. Most children who are diagnosed with ADHD have seen to have an elevated amount of lead in the body. Early head trauma, exposure of mother to cigarette during pregnancy, premature delivery and complications at birth are also considered to be some causes of ADHD. The structure of the brain and brain chemicals is also considered to be the cause of ADHD. An alteration in the production of dopamine and norepinpherine is involved in the change of behavior of the children with ADHD. These two neurotransmitters are responsible in regulating the mood and activity of every individual, changes in the levels of these neurotransmitters will cause changes in the behavior.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes
The main symptoms of ADHD include hyperactivity, inattention and impulsiveness. These symptoms are highly observable in children with ADHD. ADHD is categorized into three subtypes; it is categorized according to the symptoms it manifests.
Predominantly Inattentive Type: When a particular individual has poor attention span, lack of focus and has troubles in completing tasks, he or she has this subtype. Following instructions, even the simple ones, are very difficult for them.
Predominantly Hyperactive / Impulsive Type: In this subtype, there is an increased level of energy and the individual will have difficulty in sitting still, always in motion. Children may have excessive activities such as persistent jumping, running all around the room or climbing in the furniture. They are fond of interrupting other individuals, and speak inappropriately. They cannot wait for their turn and following instructions is hard to do. Individuals who belong to this category may be prone to injury so safety should be included as one of the priorities.
Combined Type: This is the last type wherein all of the symptoms of ADHD are manifested and all are dominant.
The diagnosis of ADHD is not done through blood testing, urine test, or physical check up. The diagnosis of ADHD can be done by ADHD experts, usually pediatricians, psychologists or psychiatrists. There are specific interviews and tests that the child may undergo and only ADHD experts can do the evaluation and diagnosis.
ADHD can start in early childhood but it is often observed in children when they enter school or when they reach the age of seven. ADHD is a disorder that cannot be cured and it can remain present into adulthood. However, the hyperactivity symptoms will likely decrease.
An ADHD definition will allow parents to know more about ADHD, not only its meaning but also the symptoms and how it possibly occurs in their children. Parents will be able to know on what symptoms their child often manifest.
What Is ADHD? An ADHD Definition