Superior Alternatives To Stimulants Tube. Duration : 6.30 Mins.
In this video I talk about how tonic chi tonic herbs are a far better source of energy than stimulants. Also I share how the tonic herbs work to improve our energy levels and help us feel better and better over the long term. Learn more about astragalus and cordyceps here:
ADHD: The Tonsillectomy of the 21st Century? Video Clips. Duration : 4.18 Mins.
Complete video at: Sir Ken Robinson compares the current wave of ADHD diagnoses to the "plague" of tonsil removals during the mid-20th Century. He argues that while ADHD may be a real condition, it is currently being over-diagnosed to treat children underperforming among rigid, one-size-fits-all educational systems. ----- Sir Ken Robinson is an expert in creativity, innovation, and human resources. He works with governments in Europe, Asia, and the United States, and with international agencies, Fortune 500 companies, and cultural organizations. Robinson led a national commission on creativity, education, and the economy for the UK government and was central in forming a creative- and economic-development strategy as part of the Northern Ireland peace process. Formerly, he was professor of education at the University of Warwick. He has received several honorary degrees, the Athena Award from the Rhode Island School of Design, the Peabody Medal, and the Benjamin Franklin Medal from the Royal Society of Arts. He received a knighthood for his services to the arts. His latest book is The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything (Viking, 2009). - The Aspen Institute Sir Ken Robinson is an expert in creativity, innovation, and human resources. He works with governments in Europe, Asia, and the United States, and with international agencies, Fortune 500 companies, and cultural organizations. Robinson led a national commission on creativity, education, and the ...
I try to talk about the basics of my relationships and dating..Also talking about mental issues: depression, ADD/ADHD, bipolar, anxiety disorders, mood swings, emotional outburst, and how they are linked at least in my case completely to GID ie trans issues...let me know what you guys think or how it is in your cases....send me more topics to discuss if you want....
Yoga for accouchement with appropriate needs Tube. Duration : 3.73 Mins.
Introduction to the benefits yoga has when applied to the treatment of children with a variety of diagnoses such as autism, add/adhd, sensory processing, etc. see my web site: for more information
Understanding the Indigos Tube. Duration : 3.10 Mins.
The Indigo Child comes into the world with a feeling of royalty (and they often act like it too!). Self worth is not a big issue with these children and they will tell their parents who they are. These children have difficulty in handling authority without explanation or choice and find issues with queuing or waiting in line. They get frustrated with systems that are ritual-orientated and that do not require thought. They often see a better way of doing things, both at home and at school which makes them seem like system busters! These children can often be incorrectly diagnosed as having what is know as ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. They have excessive amounts of energy and get bored easily and they are also very sensitive to people and their surroundings. They also tend to have their own way of reading and doing maths and they also become frustrated because they have big ideas but lack resources or assistance in carrying these ideas out. Some of us older ones can relate to this also and as I said earlier there are many older Indigos that were sent in advance of the younger children, in order to be able to help and understand these Indigo children. Many of the older indigos often end up teaching, or they bear or adopt children who are Indigos.
Severe ADD ADHD Symptoms In Adolescence: Living With ADHD Tube. Duration : 4.88 Mins. - ADHD is greatly misunderstood. This definition talks about what life is really like living with ADHD. Be sure to visit http for more info.
Tags: ADHD, Signs, Symptoms, Severe, In, Adolesence, Adolescence, Treatment, Children, Teens, Family, Parenting, Tips, With
Change your Brain Change Your Life 1 of 7 Tube. Duration : 10.02 Mins.
This is awesome!! World famous Dr. Amen discusses how to improve your life by improving your brain. If you are interested in self improvement, you have to see this.
Keywords: dr amen, brain, IQ, smarter, brain health, magnificent mind at any age, healing add, healing adhd, bipolar, depression, natural healing, alternative health, Amen clinics, brain scans, science technology, mental health, brain exercises, nutrition, margot kidder, true hope, discovery health
ADD and the TOVA, an Objective Assessment of ADHD Tube. Duration : 4.03 Mins.
Attention problems cause all kinds of problems in people's lives. People like to apply labels and put people into niches or ADHD. But how do they know for real? How are they sure you have it? Then, what do you do about it? There are tools out there for clinicians and professionals who can measure attention objectively, without subjective opinions, they are called 'continuous performance tests'. There is one in particular called The Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA™). TOVA is a computerized test of attention that provides data that clinicians and professionals can use to help them really measure if there are attention deficits compared to peers. The TOVA can also be used to help them evaluate interventions, such as medication (Ritalin, Methylphenidate, celexa, concerta, etc), neurofeedback, diet and anything that claims to effect attention is really working or having an effect on your attention. To learn more visit
The Simple Way to Defeat Depression, Overcome Anxiety and Sharpen Your Mind Tube. Duration : 6.75 Mins.
Is your brain broken? See to find out. If you're suffering from depression, ADD, anxiety or even dementia, Autism or Alzheimers, it might be. Fortunately, there is hope! Dr. Mark Hyman has the solution - the ULTRAMIND solution - and hes ready to share it with you in this weeks UltraWellness blog.
My Experience as a Parent of Dyspraxic and ADHD Child Tube. Duration : 8.27 Mins.
Parents Guide My son (13) has Dyspraxia & ADHD. I've spent years struggling to get help & information and have written a Parents guide I hope may help other parents. It's available from http (NEW Updated & Expanded version 30/01/09) along with my FREE newsletter. There is also more information at and you can checkout my new blog at Would love to hear your experiences.
Improve Concentration and Focus in 20 Seconds Tube. Duration : 1.20 Mins. Perfect for KIDS and adults. A GREAT technique to increase concentration, focus, and attentiveness. Parents and teachers should use this with kids! It not only has a great effect but also improves health and general attitude.
The Problem with ADD and ADHD Video Clips. Duration : 9.45 Mins.
Sorry, I'm feeling a bit raspy. Leave a rate if you enjoyed. Thanks texting etiquette cigarettes and obesity twitter
ADHD: Meditation, not Medication Tube. Duration : 7.10 Mins. Sarina Grosswald, Ed.D., explains her research on ADHD. Includes interviews with kids who learned Transcendental Meditation. From the David Lynch Weekend, Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa. (March 26, 2005)Maharishi University of Management (MUM) offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the arts, sciences, business, and humanities. The University is accredited through the doctoral level by the Higher Learning Commission. Founded in 1971 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the University features Consciousness-Based education to develop students' inner potential. All students and faculty practice the Transcendental Meditation technique, which extensive published research has found boosts learning ability, improves brain functioning, and reduces stress. Maharishi University uses the block system in which each student takes one course at a time. Students report they learn more without the stress of taking 4-5 courses at once. The University has a strong focus on sustainability and natural health, and serves organic vegetarian meals. The BS in Sustainable Living is MUM's most popular undergraduate major. Maharishi University of Management http Consciousness-Based education Transcendental Meditation Research Block system Sustainability Natural health Organic veg meals BS Sustainable Living
Improving the Quality of Care in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Tube. Duration : 5.75 Mins.
This is a video created for our Pediatric Nursing course. We also created a poster from this video and presented our information at the National Student Nurse's Association Convention in Orlando, FL in April 2010.
ADHD To Drug Or Not To Drug - Part 2 of 9 Video Clips. Duration : 9.95 Mins.
Dr Nick Hodgson takes you on a comprehensive journey through the complex issues surrounding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (and related behavioral disorders) and teaches an exciting combination of the "best of the best" natural remedies. Behavioral disorders affect everyone! The child, parents, carers, brothers, sisters, teachers, even class-mates: But is ADHD -- over-diagnosed, over-medicated, under-managed? Join Dr Nick Hodgson on a path towards more effective choices. Now available in Video, Video CD and DVD formats. This workshop is also relevant for Asperger's syndrome and other learning and behavioral disorders.
A video self-portrait. ADHD - Everything's better with HD. This is a video of me maybe having ADD. I might. I haven't gotten checked. But odds are good. My attention may be deficit to the point of hyperactivity disorder.
What is ADHD? (ADHD #1) Tube. Duration : 3.17 Mins.
ADHD is the most frequently diagnosed childhood behavioral disorder. Let's take a closer look at this common problem.Watch More Health Videos at Health Guru:
Behavioral Problems Children Tube. Duration : 3.77 Mins. - Behavior problems in children will only get worse if they are not taken care of as soon as possible. Experts offer help for parents to change their children's behavior.
This session is meant to speed up the brain while keeping the left brain dominant (good for attention, concentration and reducing emotional response and hyperactivity) in order to help with ADD/ADHD.
Autistic Person Who loves Photography hopes one day to be a professional. Video Clips. Duration : 5.80 Mins.
This is a video About wanting to be a photographer when you have autism. I want to be a professional photographer. I hate being on benefits and welfare, but will anyone employ me with all my problems. I hope so....... It's also about the symptoms to do with autism well my symptoms and maybve other peoples as well. I'm sure i share alot of symptoms with other autistic people. This video was created to raise awareness about autism and for people with autistic spectrum disorders and related conditions. such as Rett Syndrome , Childhood Disintegrative Disorder , Classic Autism , Asperger Syndrome , High-functioning autism , PDD-NOS, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder , Anxiety disorder , Social anxiety disorder , Epilepsy , Fragile X syndrome , Bipolar disorder, Mental retardation , Tourette syndrome , Seizures , Comorbid conditions Disclaimer: music Track "Killing Me" performed by Slovo I do not own this track No copyright infringement intended I really like this track and thought it would make a good song for my video.
Tags: aspergers, syndrome, asperger's, disabled, benefits, welfare, art, scotland, national autistic society, disability, work, job, employment, national autism society, freedom, discrimination, Anxiety, Generalised anxiety disorder, petit mal seizures, OCD, social phobia, photo-phobia photo phobia, hyperacusis, meltdowns, temper tantrums, memory, gifted, daily living skills, social skills, symptoms
Adam Levine talks about his ADHD (:30) Video Clips. Duration : 0.52 Mins.
Maroon 5's Adam Levine thought he outgrew ADHD. Talk to your doctor and take an ADHD quiz at to recognize symptoms like inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. It's your ADHD. Own it.
Keywords: Adam Levine ADHD, ADHD, ADHD Symptoms, adult ADHD, Adam Levine, Levine, Maroon 5
BBC Horizon (2005) Living With ADHD (flv) Tube. Duration : 48.98 Mins.
BBC Horizon (2005) Living With ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most feared and misunderstood of all medical conditions. Despite over 200 scientific papers being published on this neurological condition every year, it remains stigmatised and controversial. Some doctors don't even believe it exists. Gen Info:
Keywords: living, Flash Video, May, Room, BBC, Horizon, (2005), With, Adhd, (flv), News, Cry, Bed, Fox, Bath, Chat, Tub ADD ADHD Diet - Why Sugar causes problems for people with Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms. Tips on how to eliminate your ADHD Naturally.
Tags: adhd, diet, add, sugar, natural, cure, steps, to, conquering
ADHD teaching algebraic and account to accouchement with adhd, add Tube. Duration : 8.98 Mins.
Do you have a young child with ADHD, ADD. This video discusses how an inexpensive manipulative will help your child learn. This toy helps the child to enter the 'learning zone" The teaching system is based partly on EDU-Kinestethics, developed by Paul Dennison. Here is the link: Go to: to see how the how and why for zip strips. There is a also a series of books designed to teach reading and spelling to kids with dyslexia, primarily. That is the 3 star phonics series. Sometimes dyslexia is associated with ADD as well. To see the time tested (thousands of years) method to increase concentration go This is a video on how to increase concentration. If you cannot get your kid to have enough attention to learn this technique, perhaps you can use it yourself to be able to decode your own child's difficulties.
Keywords: adhd, add, education, reading, spelling, math
Now What?! Adult ADHD Workshop Tube. Duration : 3.02 Mins.
Check out this preview video for the upcoming Now What?! workshop on Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Ontario Science Centre, June 12th). The event is co-hosted by one of the worlds leading experts on ADHD, Dr. Umesh Jain (CAMH, Hospital for Sick Kids, Univ. Of Toronto)...but it will be anything but a traditional mental health information session. With Rick involved, to say it will be a fun, often funny, experience is an understatement! For detailed event info and to buy tickets visit Attendance limited to participants age 16+.
Keywords: Now What, ADD, ADHD, adult ADD, adult ADHD, attention deficit disorder, addiction, Ontario Science Centre, February 27, Rick Green, Totally ADD, totallyadd, Totally ADHD, totallyadhd, mental health, disorder, anxiety, Dr. Umesh Jain, Umesh Jain, Dr. Jain, psychiatry, psychology, Canada, Toronto, workshop
Six Weeks to An UltraMind Overview Video Clips. Duration : 3.55 Mins.
Watch Dr. Hyman as he provides an overview from his new coaching program, Six Weeks to an Ultramind. In this exclusive self-help audio, video and workbook system, Dr. Hyman will outline simple changes that can enhance mood, sharpen focus, overcome anxiety and debilitating conditions such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, dementia, and autism. For more information check out
Keywords: Mark Hyman, depression, anxiety, autism, ADD bipolar, brain fog
Smart Brain Technologies (Science Daily - News) What We Do - Video Game Neurofeedback ADD ADHD Tube. Duration : 2.48 Mins.
SmartBrain Technologies uses an original, non-invasive approach to improving the brain's performance and the capacity to learn in children and adults. Through direct measurement of specific brain patterns, this amazing technology engages the brain's neuro-plasticity; its natural ability to change. Some of the many benefits include: * Improve your ability to pay and sustain attention longer * Speed up and increase your brain's processing speed * Decrease your impulsive responses * Improve your memory and recall * Increase your brains capacity to learn
Tags: smartbraintech, video, attention, FL8, Medium
ADHD Coaching Covered by CNN January 26, 2011 Tube. Duration : 1.83 Mins.
ADHD Coaching offered by the Edge Foundation is featured in the Headline News Story. Edge Coach Jodi Sleeper-Triplet "The (ADHD) coach is like a bird on the shoulder, being there saying, "okay what is it that you have to do? What's going on? Double check." 1 ImpressionsRaw number of times this story has been seen on your Wall and in the News Feed of your Fans · 0% Feedback
Keywords: adhd, ADHD treatment, ADHD coaching, life coaching, help for ADHD, ADHD success story