tempAttention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD Dr. John Breeding, professor, author and Ph.D. psychologist discusses ADHD. Millions of American school children are placed on mind-altering stimulant medications for ADHD. Is there any biological basis for calling ADHD a mental illness? What test exists to diagnosis ADHD? What criteria are used to diagnosis a child with ADHD? In these series of videos Dr. Breeding give you the straight truth about ADHD and ADD. Medications like Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall, Dexedrine, Strattera, Focalin and Metadata all have undesirable side effects and can damage a person's organs. So if you child is having difficulty, what can you do besides give them drugs? Dr. Breeding discusses how to deal with children effectively. Visit Dr. Breedings Website at www.wildestcolts.com The new edition of John's book, The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses may be ordered from Chimpunka Publishing at http This video was produced by Psychetruth www.youtube.com www.livevideo.com www.myspace.com Copyright © John Breeding 2007. All Rights Reserved.
Keywords: adhd, add, disorder, psychiatry, psychology, mental, health, illness, ritalin, psychtruth, attention, hyperactivity, adderall, help