This is a video About wanting to be a photographer when you have autism. I want to be a professional photographer. I hate being on benefits and welfare, but will anyone employ me with all my problems. I hope so....... It's also about the symptoms to do with autism well my symptoms and maybve other peoples as well. I'm sure i share alot of symptoms with other autistic people. This video was created to raise awareness about autism and for people with autistic spectrum disorders and related conditions. such as Rett Syndrome , Childhood Disintegrative Disorder , Classic Autism , Asperger Syndrome , High-functioning autism , PDD-NOS, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder , Anxiety disorder , Social anxiety disorder , Epilepsy , Fragile X syndrome , Bipolar disorder, Mental retardation , Tourette syndrome , Seizures , Comorbid conditions Disclaimer: music Track "Killing Me" performed by Slovo I do not own this track No copyright infringement intended I really like this track and thought it would make a good song for my video.
Tags: aspergers, syndrome, asperger's, disabled, benefits, welfare, art, scotland, national autistic society, disability, work, job, employment, national autism society, freedom, discrimination, Anxiety, Generalised anxiety disorder, petit mal seizures, OCD, social phobia, photo-phobia photo phobia, hyperacusis, meltdowns, temper tantrums, memory, gifted, daily living skills, social skills, symptoms