UNINFORMED CONSENT, Washington DC. Rep. Dan Burton, Chair of Gov Reform Committee comments on vaccines and mercury showing a video of an autistic child in full melt down. - Followed by Dr. Andrew Wakefield MD UK, well-respected scientist, whose discovery of the vaccine strain measles virus in the gut of autistic children set off an international frenzy from public health authorities attempting to marginalize Wakefield for their own irresponsibility in refusing to address these issues with vaccines. Many believe public health authorities have become fronts for big pharma who profit unlimited amounts from the illnesses produced by the delivery of contaminants contained in vaccines like mercury (Thimerosal). A collection of the IOM Meeting called "What Really Happened at the IOM?" are available in DVD at: www.uninformedconsent.org
Keywords: whoareyoupointingat, Cover, Up, Investigate, Mercury, Vaccine, Autism, ADHD, Poisoning, Children, Thimerosal, IOM, Meeting, Washington, DC., Republican, Dan, Burton, Chair, of, Government, Reform, Committee