I was shocked when I found out that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also affects teenagers and adults. I always thought that ADHD only affects school-age children and then these children would outgrow it eventually. Poor attention, inability to focus, impulsiveness, easy to distract and hyperactivity are hallmark characteristics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This causes the children to have a hard time coping up with schoolwork and may have trouble learning in school. Of course, no parent would ever want this for their child. There are several ways of fighting ADHD.
Here are some of the things you must know in fighting ADHD:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes
ADHD is a disorder caused by low levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the central nervous system. These neurotransmitters are responsible for both the stimulation and depression of the activities in the brain. ADHD is not caused by injury or trauma to the brain. This also means that no environmental, social or parental factors could cause ADHD. Stimulants are more effective in treating ADHD than depressants. Stimulants such as Ritalin increase the level of norepinephrine and dopamine. When these neurotransmitters are increased to normal levels, the child will be able to concentrate and pay attention more. It also allows the child to control himself better and focus on the task at hand. Other pharmaceutical agents such as anti-depressants and anxiolytics aid in fighting ADHD but they do not offer a cure for it. These non-stimulant drugs also alter the levels of neurotransmitters in order to promote attention and focus. This also helps decrease anxiety levels in these children. Increased anxiety and frustrations cause the children to act out. Fighting ADHD does not only involve the administration of drugs but also includes therapy and counselling. There are many ways to treating ADHD and usually a combination of these techniques would provide the best results. Behavioural modification allows the children to act more maturely in different settings. Counselling also helps with the different issues that occur with the condition such as dealing with the frustrations and anxieties that may come along. The right attitude and patience pave the way to a successful management of ADHD and its symptoms. A positive attitude both on the child's part and his caretakers facilitate cooperation and hope. Things are not going to change overnight and the family must always be there to support the child as he grows. Treating ADHD is a multi-sector job and is not the sole responsibility of the family but it also requires the participation of the school and other institutions. The child spends a lot of time in school and discipline must be one of the things he should learn about. The teacher must develop a technique that would facilitate the learning process for children with ADHD.
What's stopping you now from fighting ADHD?
Fighting ADHD - 6 Things You Should Know