ADD, attention deficit disorder, is a learning disorder that is often displayed in children by inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. This disorder is closely linked with ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and if left untreated can have negative long-term consequences for a child such as his or her ability to learn and get along with others. While it's natural for children to be antsy and excited there are symptoms parents and teachers should look out for that may indicate a more serious case of ADD or ADHD.
Typically the signs of ADD/ADHD will start to appear before the age of seven. If a child demonstrates some symptoms of the disorder on occasion but not regularly chances are they do not have the condition. Overly cautious parents may jump to conclusions when in fact the child is simply acting their age and being impulsive. However, if persistent symptoms occur at home, school and at play you may want to schedule a doctor appointment to find out if they are suffering from a learning disorder.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes
Many people are under the assumption that a child with ADD/ADHD will be an overly excited bundle of energy causing havoc all over the place and disrupting everyone around him. While this scenario may be a classic example of the learning disorder it isn't the only sign of it. A child with attention deficit disorder may be inattentive but not hyper or impulsive and can also be hyperactive but have the ability to pay attention. These cross signals can make it hard to detect true ADD/ADHD in children.
To properly diagnose this learning disorder in kids it is important to focus on the three primary areas of the condition: attention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. When it comes to attention watch for examples of the following: not paying attention to details, trouble staying focused and being easily distracted, difficulty remembering and following instructions, inability to finish projects and being easily bored shortly after starting a task. Again, these responses can occur naturally with every child but if it becomes frequent and persistent a warning flag should go up.
Excitement is common in most kids but when that enthusiasm crosses over into constant moving and hyperactivity it can be a sign of ADD/ADHD. Kids that constantly squirm and leave their seats in school, talk excessively, can't relax or play quietly, are prone to temper tantrums and can't sit still are good candidates for this learning disorder. Almost all children are excitable but when the child can't calm down or understand the need for down time then it is time to consider a doctor's diagnosis.
Lastly, impulsive behavior that includes mood swings and overreaction may also be signs that a child has attention deficit disorder. Acting without thinking, unable to wait their turn in games and projects, constantly interrupting others, frequent tantrums and guessing at answers without hearing the full question are familiar signs of ADD/ADHD. Again, it is not always easy to tell if a child is acting out for a particular reason or if they are genuinely displaying traits of a learning disorder so be patient and careful when trying to diagnose ADD in children.
Diagnosing ADD/ADHD in Children