Do I Have ADD, ADHD? Symptoms and diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder

Over the past decade, cases have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has increased rapidly. This may be primary, because doctors are finally able to recognize the symptoms quickly, but there are other theories on the rise as well. For adults and children, can add to the symptoms of some angry, life-changing area.

Part of the problem withDiagnosis of ADD is that the symptoms attributed to other disorders or diseases. ADD is officially called a developmental disability, but often is seen by many as a behavioral disorder as well. And 'classified as disruptive behavior disorders, including oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and antisocial.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

If it sounds a little 'complicated, it is because it is. The symptoms andIssues that may be caused by ADD, as small as a mild disability, the size of a complete lack of attention that focus different types of "acting out" as a means of expressing irritation.

Do I Have ADD, ADHD? Symptoms and diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder

The symptoms of ADD are tempted by the brain of the patient, make-up causes a deficiency of certain neurotransmitters. The brain tries to increase the release of chemicals, so that the patient is restless, poor concentration, looking for stimulating activities and other actions, the causeStimulation is lacking.

One of the most difficult problems in the diagnosis of ADD is true that there are other medical problems that can cause the same type of symptoms. Thyroid problems, lead poisoning, head trauma and fetal alcohol syndrome are all known for producing one or more of the problems caused by ADD. This makes it particularly important that the disease diagnosed by a doctor.

Previously, various conjectures have been informed of the cause of ADD. Bybad education to the elderly allergies, doctors tried for decades to find the cause of attention deficit disorder. It 'is now known that 75% of the time, ADD is a genetic disease. If a child has ADHD, then probably the disease can also be found in a parent or close relative. Studies show that if one identical twin has ADD, there is a 50% chance that the other twin will also be the problem.

However, the causes of ADD, the other 25% ofThe cases are unexplained. This has created a number of theories about the cause of the disease. Some believe that non-ADD cases has increased - they are only apparent, because now properly diagnosed. On the other hand, there are people that the reason for the increase of certain dietary elements, a fundamental lack of social skills, or even that ADD was not discovered, but the thought of "invented" as a means to explain the different personalities and environmental issues.

Do I Have ADD, ADHD? Symptoms and diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder

