ADHD and Hyperactivity - Foods to Avoid

In the '70's when my oldest daughter was four years old, she was diagnosed with what was called "hyperactivity" back then. Today, the diagnosis might have been "ADHD" (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or "ADD" (attention deficit disorder).

I'm not an advocate of putting children on medications to control behaviors now, and I wasn't back then, either. In an effort to help my daughter by natural and alternative methods, I started researching. Keep in mind, we didn't have the internet back in the '70's. We had libraries. And bookstores. (What I wouldn't have given for the internet back then!) After thousands of pages of reading, and almost as many pages of notes, I chose to eliminate refined sugars, bleached flours, artificial flavors and artificial colors from her diet. The results were amazing - and successful!

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

Before her diet change, she would have periods where she just couldn't sit still. She would talk a mile a minute and would rush from one toy to another. It was as if she had a motor inside that was stuck on high speed! She also had behavior issues. You could see an immediate change in her after a piece of candy. She would be calmly sitting in her chair, reading a book (yes, she read at 4 years old). I would give her a small piece of candy. Within minutes, her foot would start tapping, then her legs couldn't be still. She would wiggle and squirm in her seat. She would then get up and walk around, then run and literally bounce off the walls. This would go on for an hour or more before she would start to wind down - and crash. Once I adjusted her diet, we no longer had the extreme behavioral highs and lows. She was just a "normal" kid.

ADHD and Hyperactivity - Foods to Avoid

Back in the '70's we didn't have "natural" or "organic" stores where I lived. Nor was this type of food available at the chain grocery stores, as it is today. Everything had to be made from scratch. I learned to make my own fruit roll-ups, crackers, breads, cakes, cookies and (yes) candy. It took a little more time than opening a box to cook dinner, but it was so much healthier for both of my children. They still had treats like the other kids. But I knew exactly what ingredients went into those treats. I used to take my kids trick-or-treating on Halloween. They would collect the candy, give it all away to their friends and we would go home and eat "good" treats. They had the fun of going from door to door, and they knew they couldn't eat the candy that was put in their bags. And they were ok with this.

I have a grandson who has been diagnosed with ADHD. He is currently on medications for his condition, but my daughter limits his intake of refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup and artificial colors as she limits the sugar intake of these items for all of her children. As always, it is up to the person - or parent - to decide if an alternative method is right for their family.

ADHD and Hyperactivity - Foods to Avoid

Medication for ADHD (Health Guru Short)

Medication for ADHD (Health Guru Short) Video Clips. Duration : 0.95 Mins.

ADHD is not curablebut its effects can be treated! Learn more at

Tags: adhd, add, hyperactive, child, disorder, psychology, strattera, cure, treatment, family, ritelin, ridelin, attention, deficit, hyperactivity, psych, kid, student, learn, hyper, energy, medicine, health, advice, web, series, doctor, home, food, drink, guru, sports, school, class, teacher, wild, cray, focus, smart

Cover Up ! Investigate : Mercury - Vaccine - Autism - ADHD - Governments Poisoning Children !!

Cover Up ! Investigate : Mercury - Vaccine - Autism - ADHD - Governments Poisoning Children !! Tube. Duration : 4.28 Mins.

UNINFORMED CONSENT, Washington DC. Rep. Dan Burton, Chair of Gov Reform Committee comments on vaccines and mercury showing a video of an autistic child in full melt down. - Followed by Dr. Andrew Wakefield MD UK, well-respected scientist, whose discovery of the vaccine strain measles virus in the gut of autistic children set off an international frenzy from public health authorities attempting to marginalize Wakefield for their own irresponsibility in refusing to address these issues with vaccines. Many believe public health authorities have become fronts for big pharma who profit unlimited amounts from the illnesses produced by the delivery of contaminants contained in vaccines like mercury (Thimerosal). A collection of the IOM Meeting called "What Really Happened at the IOM?" are available in DVD at:

Keywords: whoareyoupointingat, Cover, Up, Investigate, Mercury, Vaccine, Autism, ADHD, Poisoning, Children, Thimerosal, IOM, Meeting, Washington, DC., Republican, Dan, Burton, Chair, of, Government, Reform, Committee

Learning About Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can affect how a child does in school. It is difficult for them to concentrate and even recall information, much because they had trouble paying attention. A child with ADD has trouble turning their thoughts to a lesson and turn away from distractions. They often can't keep their mind on something for more than a few minutes. Such children are normally impulsive, inattentive and hyperactive. It does not matter whether the diagnosis is ADD or ADHD, the symptoms are similar and

ADD also goes by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is a condition where the person finds themselves inattentive, impulsive and hyperactive. It can be difficult for someone suffering from ADD to follow directions, which makes it difficult to learn. Many are known to grow out of this condition or find it lessens when they get older. Nevertheless other conditions that are related to ADD are conduct and bipolar disorders.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

Although the reasons for ADHD and ADD are still unknown, it has been seen that it can result from brain injury to the fetus during pregnancy or an injury during the delivery, while genetic causes are not ruled out either. Other possible causes indicated is diet including sugar and additives and cigarette smoke found in the child's environment. These elements could even intensify the condition. Often ADD is only detected when a child is older, such as having gone through a few years of school. This is because they are in a structured learning environment and it shows the effects. When a child or adolescent has ADD they also have psychological issues including poor self-esteem and a lack of confidence. They could grow into an adult with these same feeling; especially they are not diagnosed with ADD and are unsure what is happening to them.

Learning About Attention Deficit Disorder

If a parent or teachers notices symptoms of ADD they will want to have the child checked by a doctor. They will go through a test concerning early milestones including development and emotional elements. Other elements of their life, such as sleeping and diet will also be discussed. A PET scan might be done as well to see any abnormalities.

There is no cure or pay to prevent ADD. Nevertheless, there are special classes geared toward students with ADD needs. They get special attention and are taught techniques on how to live with this condition. They could have behavioral issues which are also modified. Families learn ways to help their child at home as well, such as not over stimulating them. Some medications are given by prescription to treat ADD such as Adderall, Cylert and Ritalin. These are designed to help them control their behaviors and remained focused on tasks. Those with this syndrome are told to avoid over stimulating environments, while young children benefit with behavior modification therapies.

However a word of caution- not all hyperactive children has ADD or ADHD even if they are very active. Any child that irrespective of the consequences of punishment continues to overact may have Attention Deficit Disorder.

Learning About Attention Deficit Disorder

Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex

Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex Video Clips. Duration : 1.78 Mins. The Florida Functional Neurology Group provides brain-based drug free treatments for Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Post Traumatic Brain Injury, Parkinson's, Balance Disorders and more.. Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex Exam is performed to assess for retention of the reflex which can lead to many issues. The STNR is thought to begin the inhibition of the TRL, a disconnection of the upper and lower body which is necessary for the progression to creeping and crawling. Retention on the STRN can lead to issues with Poor Posture such as a slump position, Ape like walk, "W" position when seated on the floor, Poor Hand-Eye Coordination, Difficulty with synchronized movements such as swimming above water, and many others.

Keywords: Primitive, Reflex, Reflexes, developmental delay, Autism, ADD, ADHD, ADHD/ADD, Tics, behavior, brain, therapies, functional, chiropractic, neurology, plantation, sunrise, autoimmunity, NAET

Fighting ADHD - 6 Things You Should Know

I was shocked when I found out that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also affects teenagers and adults. I always thought that ADHD only affects school-age children and then these children would outgrow it eventually. Poor attention, inability to focus, impulsiveness, easy to distract and hyperactivity are hallmark characteristics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This causes the children to have a hard time coping up with schoolwork and may have trouble learning in school. Of course, no parent would ever want this for their child. There are several ways of fighting ADHD.

Here are some of the things you must know in fighting ADHD:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

ADHD is a disorder caused by low levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the central nervous system. These neurotransmitters are responsible for both the stimulation and depression of the activities in the brain. ADHD is not caused by injury or trauma to the brain. This also means that no environmental, social or parental factors could cause ADHD. Stimulants are more effective in treating ADHD than depressants. Stimulants such as Ritalin increase the level of norepinephrine and dopamine. When these neurotransmitters are increased to normal levels, the child will be able to concentrate and pay attention more. It also allows the child to control himself better and focus on the task at hand. Other pharmaceutical agents such as anti-depressants and anxiolytics aid in fighting ADHD but they do not offer a cure for it. These non-stimulant drugs also alter the levels of neurotransmitters in order to promote attention and focus. This also helps decrease anxiety levels in these children. Increased anxiety and frustrations cause the children to act out. Fighting ADHD does not only involve the administration of drugs but also includes therapy and counselling. There are many ways to treating ADHD and usually a combination of these techniques would provide the best results. Behavioural modification allows the children to act more maturely in different settings. Counselling also helps with the different issues that occur with the condition such as dealing with the frustrations and anxieties that may come along. The right attitude and patience pave the way to a successful management of ADHD and its symptoms. A positive attitude both on the child's part and his caretakers facilitate cooperation and hope. Things are not going to change overnight and the family must always be there to support the child as he grows. Treating ADHD is a multi-sector job and is not the sole responsibility of the family but it also requires the participation of the school and other institutions. The child spends a lot of time in school and discipline must be one of the things he should learn about. The teacher must develop a technique that would facilitate the learning process for children with ADHD.

Fighting ADHD - 6 Things You Should Know

What's stopping you now from fighting ADHD?

Fighting ADHD - 6 Things You Should Know

Diagnosing ADD/ADHD in Children

ADD, attention deficit disorder, is a learning disorder that is often displayed in children by inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. This disorder is closely linked with ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and if left untreated can have negative long-term consequences for a child such as his or her ability to learn and get along with others. While it's natural for children to be antsy and excited there are symptoms parents and teachers should look out for that may indicate a more serious case of ADD or ADHD.

Typically the signs of ADD/ADHD will start to appear before the age of seven. If a child demonstrates some symptoms of the disorder on occasion but not regularly chances are they do not have the condition. Overly cautious parents may jump to conclusions when in fact the child is simply acting their age and being impulsive. However, if persistent symptoms occur at home, school and at play you may want to schedule a doctor appointment to find out if they are suffering from a learning disorder.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

Many people are under the assumption that a child with ADD/ADHD will be an overly excited bundle of energy causing havoc all over the place and disrupting everyone around him. While this scenario may be a classic example of the learning disorder it isn't the only sign of it. A child with attention deficit disorder may be inattentive but not hyper or impulsive and can also be hyperactive but have the ability to pay attention. These cross signals can make it hard to detect true ADD/ADHD in children.

Diagnosing ADD/ADHD in Children

To properly diagnose this learning disorder in kids it is important to focus on the three primary areas of the condition: attention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. When it comes to attention watch for examples of the following: not paying attention to details, trouble staying focused and being easily distracted, difficulty remembering and following instructions, inability to finish projects and being easily bored shortly after starting a task. Again, these responses can occur naturally with every child but if it becomes frequent and persistent a warning flag should go up.

Excitement is common in most kids but when that enthusiasm crosses over into constant moving and hyperactivity it can be a sign of ADD/ADHD. Kids that constantly squirm and leave their seats in school, talk excessively, can't relax or play quietly, are prone to temper tantrums and can't sit still are good candidates for this learning disorder. Almost all children are excitable but when the child can't calm down or understand the need for down time then it is time to consider a doctor's diagnosis.

Lastly, impulsive behavior that includes mood swings and overreaction may also be signs that a child has attention deficit disorder. Acting without thinking, unable to wait their turn in games and projects, constantly interrupting others, frequent tantrums and guessing at answers without hearing the full question are familiar signs of ADD/ADHD. Again, it is not always easy to tell if a child is acting out for a particular reason or if they are genuinely displaying traits of a learning disorder so be patient and careful when trying to diagnose ADD in children.

Diagnosing ADD/ADHD in Children

Part 01 of 12 ADD ADHD & AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER Treatment Seminar by Dr. Michael Linden

Part 01 of 12 ADD ADHD & AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER Treatment Seminar by Dr. Michael Linden Tube. Duration : 9.97 Mins.

Introduction - Overview of Treatment of Autism, ADD & ADHD. Family History. Attention Learning Center, San Juan Capistrano, CA http//

Keywords: neurofeedback, add, adhd, qeeg mapping, asd, autism, treatment


Mikey Tube. Duration : 2.10 Mins.

The true story of Michael Grinder, a hyperactive child, who graduated from high school with a 4th grade reading level and went on to earn a Masters degree, become runner-up for Washington's Teacher of the Year, and author of 13 books.

Keywords: Mikey, Education, Parents, hyperactive, Michael Grinder, ADD, keywords

The Three Main Characteristics of ADHD

If you are a parent of a child that has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, it is important that you learn about the three main characteristics of ADHD. Most people visualize a child that displays signs of ADHD as one that lacks control, is consistently moving or highly disruptive. However, there are many children that may display signs of hyperactivity while others may show signs of inattentiveness. There are three main characteristics of ADHD to date. These are inattentiveness, hyperactivity as well as impulsivity. The signs of ADHD that a child experiences when they are diagnosed will depend on which of these characteristics are considered to be dominant. Throughout this educational guide on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, you will learn about each of these characteristics of ADHD.

Inattentive ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

Children that suffer from inattentive disorder experience many difficulties associated with their attention span. This is especially true of the activities that are being engaged in or the information that they are exposed to on an audible level is considered to be boring or does not catch their interest. The following highlights common signs of ADHD that directly pertain to the attention span of the child:

The Three Main Characteristics of ADHD

· The child may not pay attention to the instructions that are given to them. If they do, by chance, hear the instructions, they may quickly forget them or appear as if they are experiencing problems understanding them.

· The inattentive ADHD child may have severe issues staying organized and finishing assignments and other tasks that are expected of them.

· It is not at all uncommon for the child experiencing signs of ADHD related to their attention span to seem as if they forget easily. In many instances, they may experience complication in losing and misplacing items of importance such as books, assignments, and even toys.

Hyperactive ADHD

Children that experience signs of ADHD such as constantly moving and appearing as if they move from one thing to another quickly may be suffering from hyperactive ADHD. This is one of the most common characteristics of ADHD. This children experience a tremendous amount of problems when it comes to sitting or lying still. Even when their body is not in motion, a part of it - such as a finger - may be. Many may tap their finger or move their legs when required to stop and sit still. The following outlines the symptoms associated with this type of ADHD:

· The child may often fidget or may engage in squirming when asked to stay in a location while limiting their movements.

· Characteristics of ADHD such as talking in an excessive fashion or appearing to have an extremely short temper may be experienced.

· Hyperactive signs of ADHD may include constant and inappropriate movements and what may appear as if a never-ending amount of energy.

Impulsive ADHD

Impulsive ADHD is the final of the three main characteristics of ADHD. Children that suffer from impulsive signs of ADHD experience a high amount of problems associated with self-control. For many adults, this is often the most challenging form of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The following represents the symptoms often experienced with this type of ADHD:

· Children will often engage in certain actions without considering the consequences that may immediately result from those actions.

· Kids with impulsive ADHD may act in socially inappropriate ways. It is not at all uncommon for the child to blurt out words, interrupt others when they are talking, or saying the wrong words and phrases at the inappropriate times.

· Children exhibiting signs of ADHD that are impulsive in nature will experience complications controlling strong emotions. It is common for these kids to throw temper tantrums and appear as if they have anger issues.

If you feel that you are dealing with a child that suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, it is essential that you set up an evaluation for the child. It is also beneficial to work closely with the educators at the child's school as well as the child's primary care physician. If your child is diagnosed with this neurobiological disorder, it is important to ensure that you learn as much as you are able to about the condition. Your knowledge will result in your child's ability to succeed academically, socially, and in relationships with other children, as well as adults. Equipping yourself with knowledge on the condition will equip your child with the tools and resources that they need to become successful adults.

The Three Main Characteristics of ADHD

ADHD Boarding School

An ADHD Boarding School Can Provide the Right Environment to Help Your Child Learn and Concentrate

As attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) becomes a growing problem among children, more and more schools have opened which specialize in dealing with this ever increasing group of children. These boarding schools usually only accept children within a specific age group so as to better meet the children's and the parents' needs. Furthermore, an ADHD boarding school can range in size from accepting only a few students each year to accepting children by the hundreds. It should be noted that this is probably the most expensive style of treatment for your child with ADHD available. Many schools charge thousands of dollars for tuition, but if the program pays off, the amount of money you had spent would be totally worth it. After all, when the future of your child is at stake, they amount you pay for an ADHD boarding school should not even be an issue.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

The Cedars Academy is possibly the most well known ADHD boarding school on America's eastern seaboard. Located in Delaware, it caters to children between the ages of eleven and eighteen and only has enough housing to board forty students. They provide for the child a home like atmosphere where they can interact with staff and students throughout the day on the seventy five acre property. At The Cedars Academy ADHD boarding school students are not just taught to be better in the academic fields, but they also engage in activities to improve their whole lives. Students at the academy learn all of the things they would be taught in a normal school setting as well as things like table manners and upper class athletics. It is a co-ed school, so those who do not wish their children live with students of the opposite sex need not apply. While there are huge benefits offered to your children at The Cedars Academy ADHD boarding school, there is one major drawback. The price. Tuition is an even 00.00 per month and an eleven thousand dollar deposit is required for registration. If you cannot afford this astronomically high cost, there is a myriad of financial aid available for those who wish their children to attend this impressive boarding school.

ADHD Boarding School

Another impressive ADHD boarding school is the Ojai Valley School, located in Ojai, California. It is much large in size than The Cedars Academy and houses up to four hundred students. Much like The Cedars Academy, Ojai Valley School focuses on giving their students a whole life experience where they can learn not just school subjects, but how to be better individuals as well. For academics, the Ojai Valley ADHD boarding school teaches children how to prepare for college and offers competitive curriculum with some of the top high schools across the country. From a social aspect, children are able to go on a variety of field trips and outdoor education programs as well as learn all of the basics to deal with people on an everyday basis. The Ojai Valley ADHD boarding school is divided into two separate schools, one for children between the ages of three and fourteen and another for those between grades nine and twelve. The school for lower grade levels focuses on setting foundations for life and academics while the school for upper classmen centers on college preparation. Both schools are co-ed.

For more information on ADHD please visit Parental Advice

ADHD Boarding School

ADHD Overview

ADHD Overview Tube. Duration : 6.18 Mins.

Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of ADHD. Watch this and more health videos at:

Tags:, Health, Answers, TV, Jane, Hanson, ADHD

Midlife Women With ADHD - Exposing the Three Great Myths About Attention Deficit Disorder

Adult women with ADHD: The Three Unspoken Myths About Attention Deficit Disorder over 40

It happens every week: I receive emails from midlife women who are surprised to find out they have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD). These women are determined to fix their ADD so they can get on with the rest of their lives. And they want solutions. Now.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

I tell them as gently as possible that there are no quick fixes when dealing with ADD, especially when women are diagnosed over age 40. Television ads for prescription medication, Internet enticements for homeopathic remedies and thousands of organizing tips sidestep three assumptions women make about their ADD, myths than can stop their progress cold.

Midlife Women With ADHD - Exposing the Three Great Myths About Attention Deficit Disorder

Myth #1: ADD is temporary

Respected medical research shows that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a life-long condition with a genetic link -- it tends to run in families. That means adult onset ADD is impossible. Women diagnosed as adults certainly had ADD as children, but they managed to cope with their ADD-ish symptoms: sometimes successfully, sometimes not.

Usually there is a breaking point at which ADD shows up, changing jobs, for instance, divorce or even menopause. The coping mechanisms that worked so well in the past are overwhelmed, opening the door to a belated ADD diagnosis.

Bottom line: Women dealing successfully with their ADD can create new routines, improve their life strategies, take appropriate medications, but still have ADD-ish tendencies. ADD never goes away. But ADD is not a life sentence; it's a life style.

Myth # 2: ADD treatment is a smooth, steady process

By its very nature, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is erratic; attention flits from one subject to the next. Easily bored, ADD adults require frequent changes of scenery or topic. So it is with ADD treatment. Finding the right combination of medications, behavior changes and structure can take months or even years.

Women with ADD are as tenacious as bulldogs. They rarely give up: except on themselves. After a lifetime of failed attempts and false starts, it's easy for them to be discouraged by slow progress of ADD treatment.

Bottom line: Expect treatment effectiveness to dip and climb like a roller coaster. Trying new medications, nutrition, exercise, supplements and other treatments will yield some home runs as well as some foul balls. Results can be spectacular, but they require time and a bit of patience.

Myth #3: You can "fix" ADD all by yourself

Many ADD women live in self-imposed isolation. They don't want anyone to see their messy houses or find out they never get to work on time. That isolation perpetuates negative self talk: that they aren't good enough or that other people don't want them as friends or partners.

When women realize that their ADD doesn't vanish with a round of medication or more willpower (refer to Myth #2), they sometimes retreat to the safety of solitude again. But ADD women need the support of other women who truly understand the personal impact of ADD. They need to know they aren't the only ones who re-wash the laundry (twice!) because they forgot to transfer it to the dryer. Or who talk too much and pay attention too little.

Bottom Line: An adult ADD support group, especially one designed for women, can ease the transition from ADD to ADDiva Enlisting the help of an ADD coach, a professional organizer and/or a psychiatrist or psychotherapist who specializes in adult women's ADD can also be crucial to the process of integrating ADD successfully.

Smashing these three myths about women's ADD means faster, more effective treatment, which can lead to a calmer, more focused life. Women who embrace their ADD as a life partner are women who open the door to living their own deepest dreams.

Midlife Women With ADHD - Exposing the Three Great Myths About Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD Hyperactive Diagnosis? Brain Function Beyond Labels

ADHD Hyperactive Diagnosis? Brain Function Beyond Labels Tube. Duration : 4.92 Mins. This is the second in the series on diagnostic challenges - dealing with the 'hyperactive' diagnosis. Impulsivity is more than simply hyperactivity, and we should place it clearly on the table if we intend to treat it. Functional SPECT imaging takes us further down the operational office path. Details in my new book ADHD Medication Rules: Complimentary Special Report: Predictable Solutions for ADHD Meds:

Tags: ADHD medications, ADHD treatment, Adult ADHD, ADHD diagnosis, ADHD symptoms, ADHD, Medications, drcharlesparker, impulsivity, impulsive actions, Focus, concentration, Dr, Charles, Parker

Russell Barkley - ADHD Co-Morbidity

Russell Barkley - ADHD Co-Morbidity Tube. Duration : 0.80 Mins.

Dr Russell Barkley, Ph.D giving a lecture on ADHD at The Centre for ADHD/ADD Advocacy Canada (CADDAC). To view the full-length lectures, visit

Tags: ADHD, ADD, Attentive, Deficit, Hyperactivity, Disorder, Russell, Barkley, Documentary, Seminar, Lecture, Kam


disabilities Video Clips. Duration : 3.40 Mins.

plese help those with adhd by signing this petion b4 06 december 09 ty A person, A normal person to be poked and prodded then finely given a label leaves emotional scars, What its like and why.... I have adhd what's your reason i'm no diffrent to you ADHD PRODUCTIONS

Keywords: disabilities, otto45, god, help, the, outcasts, ADHD, PRODUCTIONS, tt, 045

Identifying Attention Deficit Disorder In Your Child

Kids will be kids and all of them are different. Kids get excited about different things, and get very excited about things that adults may find to be only mildly interesting, if interesting at all. So how do you know if your child has Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or is simply being a normal kid?

Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD, also sometimes known as ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is difficult to diagnose accurately. In many ways it is a subjective option of the doctor since there is little scientific evidence to definitely state whether or not a child has ADD or ADHD. But at the same time, the reported cases of ADD are rising rapidly, which scientists do not understand. If the child has a broken leg, this can easily be determined and verified, and all would be in agreement that the child's leg is broken. But with ADD and ADHD, no such concrete evidence or even scientific testing exists to make that same conclusive determination.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

In the past, cases of ADD and ADHD were treated with prescription drugs to effectively slow down the afflicted child, but with the growing concern over stuffing our children full of prescription drugs for every ailment that MIGHT be present, parents are now starting to resist this approach and demanding a new approach.

Identifying Attention Deficit Disorder In Your Child

Many of the new approaches, and many of which show great promise, is to train the afflicted person to pay more attention to what his brain is telling him. This applies whether the child is playing, doing homework, or just resting, but it is a behavioral change that the child needs to be old understand to understand and comprehend. In the case of ADD and ADHD, the child's brain has not yet completely processed the last set of information presented to it, and in the meantime is already telling the child to go do something else. Hence, the typical view is that children afflicted with Attention Deficit Disorder are unable to concentrate on the task at hand, which is entirely accurate.

The one thing that shows up in ADD/ADHD affected children that differs compared to the same tests run on non-ADD/ADHD children is that the brainwaves are different. To be more exact, the ADD/ADHD children typically show excessively slow brain wave activity in the alpha and theta ranges, compared to their non-ADD/ADHD counterparts. As the child gets older and grows into his teen years, there is some scientific evidence to suggest (although not confirm) that patients who are thought to have ADD or ADHD have about 400% more traffic tickets, car accidents, and are almost four times more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease.

Your doctor can explain to you that accurately diagnosing Attention Deficit Disorder is never simple. Rather, it requires a thorough investigation and study of the child over time, to see how the child reacts to different circumstances compared to others in the same age group. But like anything else, diagnosis of the ailment as early as possible is very important to understanding it, working with it effectively, and making compromises to accommodate the affliction.

Identifying Attention Deficit Disorder In Your Child

Running on Ritalin

Running on Ritalin Tube. Duration : 2.45 Mins.

Scenes from a film that looks at the 700% increase of drugs to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. Producer & Director, Denise Bostom Cinematography, Emiko Omori Sound, Sara Chin Editor, Jennifer Chinlund

Tags: ADHD, kids', health, mental, Ritalin, families, dnicolebos

Taking An Attention Deficit Disorder Test

In the world of childhood diagnoses, not many disorders have gotten as much wide spread attention as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Suddenly, the symptoms that parents were witnessing in their children had a name and these children could be tested against a medically defined checklist.

The Attention Deficit Disorder Test is ordinarily performed by a medical professional in a clinical setting. However, many parents, when assessing the need for such a test, may decide to conduct their own informal evaluation prior to deciding whether to seek professional assistance.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

And while the Attention Deficit Disorder test can have an element of subjectivity to it - one person's hyperactivity is another's liveliness - there are a number of things that are universally looked for when conducting an Attention Deficit Disorder Test.

Taking An Attention Deficit Disorder Test

Generally during an Attention Deficit Disorder Test, symptoms are classified into three groups - symptoms of inattentiveness; symptoms of hyperactivity; and a combination of both.

Some of the signs of inattentiveness - or typical Attention Deficit Disorder - that are explored during an Attention Deficit Disorder Test are the inability to listen to directions, propensity for distraction, the difficulty in completing projects, and forgetfulness.

Some of the signs of hyperactivity - commonly referred to as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder - that are considered during an Attention Deficit Disorder Test are the inability to sit still, excessive talking, difficulty with concentrating, and, in some cases, impulsive behavior.

Additionally, some children are evaluated with an Attention Deficit Disorder Test and found to display characteristics of both disorders.

Commonly, those administering the Attention Deficit Disorder Test, will also look for the length of time these symptoms have been present, as well as the level to which the symptoms impact the child's daily routine.

For information about signs of symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder, as well as information about those qualified to administer the Attention Deficit Disorder Test in your area, the Internet is a great place to start. Chatting with people online who have experienced the Attention Deficit Disorder Test with their children could be very helpful in learning what to expect.

Additionally, a child's pediatrician or school district may be helpful in finding a facility to conduct an Attention Deficit Disorder Test.

The first step in helping a child who may be suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder is diagnosis. Only armed with information will you be able to seek out care that is most appropriate.

Taking An Attention Deficit Disorder Test

The Drugging Of Our Children (Full Length)

The Drugging Of Our Children (Full Length) Tube. Duration : 103.08 Mins.

In the absence of any objective medical tests to determine who has ADD or ADHD, doctors rely in part on standardized assessments and the impressions of teachers and guardians while the they administer leave little room for other causes or aggravating factors, such as diet, or environment. Hence, diagnosing a child or adolescent with ADD or ADHD is often the outcome, although no organic basis for either disease has yet to be clinically proven. Psychiatrists may then prescribe psychotropic drugs for the children without first without making it clear to parents that these medications can have severe side-effects including insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches, psychotic symptoms and even potentially fatal adverse reactions, such as cardiac arrhythmia. And yet, despite these dangers, many school systems actually work with government agencies to force parents to drug their children, threatening those who refuse with the prospect of having their children taken from the home unless they cooperate.

Keywords: ritalin, adhd, add, drugs, gary, null, pharma, conspiracy, future, vaccine, eugenics, fda, alex, jones, world, order, illuminati, Truth, Tube, 1111

Testimonial about ADD-care, a Natural Treatment for ADD

Testimonial about ADD-care, a Natural Treatment for ADD Video Clips. Duration : 7.25 Mins.

This is a testimonial about using ADD-care, a natural supplement that supports the improvement of focus, clarity, and support for symptoms similar to ADD/ADHD. This supplement, like the stimulants, does not cure ADD. ADD-care™ may help control the symptoms that are consistent with those found with ADD/ADHD and therefore the supplement must be taken on a daily basis to continue to be effective. It is also important to stop or limit simple carbohydrates such as sugar and to exercise. It is suggested that counseling by a qualified mental health practitioner be part of any effective treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder. Most people use this supplement as a substitute for stimulants and prefer it due to the lack of side effects and the focus that they feel. Some people prefer the stimulants for daytime use and use ADD-care™ in the late afternoon and evening due to the lack of appetite or sleep disturbance side effects. Some people also use the stimulants and ADD-care™ at the same time as they have noticed that ADD-care™ tends to lower the side effects that the stimulants can cause.

Keywords: ADD, ADHD, attention, deficit, disorder, natural, supplement, treatment, stimulants, cure, stimulant, hyperactivity, side, effects, hallaquita

Attention Deficit Disorder and How It Affects Your Child

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) is a part of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) that is not usually characterized by the elements of hyperactivity and impulsiveness. The common misconception is that this is a disorder that only affects children between their infant years and adolescence. Like ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder oftentimes continues well into their adult years. When left untreated, this disorder can hinder completing one's daily activities and tasks while negatively impacting relationships.

Despite the fact that the disorder affects individuals from the time they are a young child into adulthood, the symptoms will vary considerably from one individual to the next. With ADHD, the hyperactivity factor impacts children whereas adults may experience restlessness instead. Adults will also have difficulties with their careers or in their relationships. However, to understand how to manage ADD and how it affects your child, you need to recognize the symptoms of the disorder first.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

Since every school district throughout the different states will differ in their interpretations of the federal laws associated with Attention Deficit Disorder, you should consult with your child's pediatrician or family physician. They can provide you with specific guidelines for diagnosing the disorder or can refer you to someone who is able to. They may even be able to recommend some drug-free solutions that you can apply at home.

Attention Deficit Disorder and How It Affects Your Child

Keep a close eye on your child in order to monitor their behavior and see if they are exhibiting any of the characteristics of Attention Deficit Disorder. Ask yourself the following questions when watching them:

o Do they avoid, dislike, or refuse to do chores and tasks that require a sustained mental effort?
o Do they frequently change from one activity to another without completing the prior one first?
o Do they have difficulty following directions?
o Do they have trouble staying still or in one place when they are asked to do so?
o Does it seem as though your child is not paying attention to details and are they making careless mistakes?
o Does it seem like they are not listening when you speak directly to them?

These are all indicators of Attention Deficit Disorder possibly existing and that require professional observation and diagnosis. The best possible solution is to get a professional opinion of your child's pediatrician (or your family physician) in order to diagnose if ADD is present. In so doing, a proper course of treatment can be recommended.

It is extremely important to be sure of and assess those specific areas where it is highly apparent that your child is having difficulties. It is possible that this could indicate the presence of Attention Deficit Disorder. Just be aware that if there are not certain difficulties or inabilities in a minimum of two areas (e.g. schoolwork or social interaction) that it is possible that you may just have a high-spirited child. You also want to ensure that your child's behavior is not a result of a hectic or overstressed lifestyle.

Attention Deficit Disorder and How It Affects Your Child

Adult ADHD (College Health Guru)

Adult ADHD (College Health Guru) Tube. Duration : 2.02 Mins.

ADHD and ADD are learning disorders that affect up to 5 percent of US children, but what does it really mean to have these conditions? More Videos:

Keywords: adhd, add, learning disability, attention, concentration, focus, brain, drugs, studies, the brain, adult adhd, coping with stress, brain chemicals, health, medicine, physical science, advice, video blog, illumistream, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, inattention, chemical imbalances, memory, adhd symptoms, social, adhd medication


Dr. Andy on ADD - ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER Tube. Duration : 3.08 Mins.


Tags: dr, andy, attention, deficit, disorder, Oakes, Lottridge

(Learning Reading) (Learning Skills Webinar)(Dyslexia)(ADHD)

(Learning Reading) (Learning Skills Webinar)(Dyslexia)(ADHD) Tube. Duration : 4.93 Mins.

(Learning Reading) (Learning Skills Webinar)(Dyslexia)(ADHD) FREE Webinar: What the Schools Don't Tell You That You Need To Know to Give Your Kids a Learning Advantage even if they struggle with reading, are dyslexic, or have ADHD. Learning reading skills, writing skills, math skills, spelling. Help Your Child Step-by-step Home Reading Help - Tutoring Reading - Improve study skills., Where children have fun learning to read! ... In May of 2009, we released the Starfall Kindergarten Reading and Language Arts Curriculum. ...Kindergarten Curriculum - Available Now! ABC's App - Starfall's Download Center One of the most valuable things a teacher can do is to help students prepare for lifelong learning. Improved learning skills — concentrating, reading and ... Learning Exercises & Games · Exploring your own learning style- outside links; Study skills web sites - outside links; Free digitized texts, books, Dyslexia is a broad term defining a learning disability that impairs a person's fluency or accuracy in being able to read, write, and spell, and which can ... Classification - Signs and symptoms - Cause - Management Developmental reading disorder, also called dyslexia, is a reading disability resulting from the inability to process graphic symbols. Symptoms: Difficulty determining the meaning (idea ...

Keywords: learning reading, dyslexia, ADHD, learning skills, bonnieterry, 238