Learning About Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can affect how a child does in school. It is difficult for them to concentrate and even recall information, much because they had trouble paying attention. A child with ADD has trouble turning their thoughts to a lesson and turn away from distractions. They often can't keep their mind on something for more than a few minutes. Such children are normally impulsive, inattentive and hyperactive. It does not matter whether the diagnosis is ADD or ADHD, the symptoms are similar and

ADD also goes by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is a condition where the person finds themselves inattentive, impulsive and hyperactive. It can be difficult for someone suffering from ADD to follow directions, which makes it difficult to learn. Many are known to grow out of this condition or find it lessens when they get older. Nevertheless other conditions that are related to ADD are conduct and bipolar disorders.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

Although the reasons for ADHD and ADD are still unknown, it has been seen that it can result from brain injury to the fetus during pregnancy or an injury during the delivery, while genetic causes are not ruled out either. Other possible causes indicated is diet including sugar and additives and cigarette smoke found in the child's environment. These elements could even intensify the condition. Often ADD is only detected when a child is older, such as having gone through a few years of school. This is because they are in a structured learning environment and it shows the effects. When a child or adolescent has ADD they also have psychological issues including poor self-esteem and a lack of confidence. They could grow into an adult with these same feeling; especially they are not diagnosed with ADD and are unsure what is happening to them.

Learning About Attention Deficit Disorder

If a parent or teachers notices symptoms of ADD they will want to have the child checked by a doctor. They will go through a test concerning early milestones including development and emotional elements. Other elements of their life, such as sleeping and diet will also be discussed. A PET scan might be done as well to see any abnormalities.

There is no cure or pay to prevent ADD. Nevertheless, there are special classes geared toward students with ADD needs. They get special attention and are taught techniques on how to live with this condition. They could have behavioral issues which are also modified. Families learn ways to help their child at home as well, such as not over stimulating them. Some medications are given by prescription to treat ADD such as Adderall, Cylert and Ritalin. These are designed to help them control their behaviors and remained focused on tasks. Those with this syndrome are told to avoid over stimulating environments, while young children benefit with behavior modification therapies.

However a word of caution- not all hyperactive children has ADD or ADHD even if they are very active. Any child that irrespective of the consequences of punishment continues to overact may have Attention Deficit Disorder.

Learning About Attention Deficit Disorder

