ADHD Combined Type - The Most Common ADHD Type of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Psychiatrists distinguish among three types of ADHD, based on the relative amount of attention deficit versus hyperactivity. Of these three different varieties (inattentive type, impulsive type, and the combined type) the combined type is by far the most common. In the combined type the individual exhibits symptoms of both attention deficit and hyperactivity. The most likely societal demographic to exhibit this particular variety of ADHD are elementary school boys. In this informational article titled "ADHD Combined Type" we will break down the two components; inattention/distractibility and hyperactivity/restlessness. 


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

When a child is inattentive it means he struggles with the ability to focus. Distractibility means one is easily distracted and has the tendency to change from one task to another at the drop of a hat. Inattention is at the heart of any attention deficit disorder diagnosis and some would argue that inattention is actually more aptly described as not being able to control or regulate how and when a person focuses on something. Let's look at 12 basic characteristics of inattention/distractibility.

ADHD Combined Type - The Most Common ADHD Type of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

The big 12 are: failure to concentrate, focusing well on some things but not on others, being able to focus well at times while struggling at other times, becoming easily distracted by external stimuli, your own thoughts become unusually distracting, daydreaming, forgetfulness, rarely on time, unable to finish tasks and projects, hesitation/procrastination, lack of attention to detail, and continually making careless mistakes.


There is very little difference between hyperactivity and restlessness. They are quite simply characterized as the inability to regulate ones physical movements. This symptom is perhaps the single most frustrating and noticeable out of all the problematic symptoms. It is also responsible for driving more parents to seek help than any other symptom. Hyperactivity is recognized as a child running wild, seemingly out of control; but in adults it is often internalized leading some experts to suggest that perhaps adults outgrow their hyperactivity

Restlessness and hyperactivity are so unpredictable that in one instance its presence may be obvious, and in another it is completely hidden. Let's explore five ways this symptom can present itself. 

The big 5 are constant fidgeting, feeling edgy or unsettled, talking nonstop, always on the go, and not being able to sit still for any length of time.

In summary, the ADHD combined type is a biological disorder of involving the brain neurotransmitter hormones norepinephrine and dopamine cloaked in a genetic package. The most commonly prescribed form of treatment is stimulant medications such as Ritalin and Adderall. While stimulants are effective over 75% of the time and work by improving neurotransmitter function and balance, they also carry a significant risk of both short and long term side effects. For this reason many parents are choosing to implement side effect free alternatives instead. 

Your next step? Take ADHD research seriously and start looking for natural ADHD treatments rather than give your child prescription drugs. Prescription drugs may alleviate the symptoms of the problem but they are only putting a band-aid on a bigger issue and with potentially serious consequences. Look for a homeopathic remedy for ADHD so you can safely and effectively treat ADHD symptoms like hyperactivity, erratic behavior, and lack of concentration without putting your child's health at risk.

ADHD Combined Type - The Most Common ADHD Type of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

