A Guide to Natural ADHD Remedies to Be Rid of Hyperactivity, Inattention and Restlessness

I don't know about you but until I recently tried natural ADHD remedies I use to think all treatments were pretty much the same. Last month I researched ADHD psychostimulants medications and was shocked to discover all the side effects of Ritalin, Adderall, Dexedrine, Concerta, and all the other medications. It is important to know that drugs do not cure ADD/ADHD. Medications can only relieve the symptoms (hyperactivity, impulsiveness, fidgeting - squirming, restlessness, outbursts) while a child is on the medication.

I discovered that natural remedies were an effective treatment for my child's attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Best of all, natural supplements are non-addictive and have no side effects whatsoever. Natural remedies use the power of natural ingredients to help restore balance to the body.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordes

Here are five natural ADHD remedies:

A Guide to Natural ADHD Remedies to Be Rid of Hyperactivity, Inattention and Restlessness


Known to reduce restlessness and over-excitability. In general this herbal supplement may reduce outbursts, fidgeting and hyperactive behaviors.

#2-Verta alb

Used to soothe the nerves and verta alb is often recommended by homeopaths for hyperactive children.

#3-Arsen iod

An extract that promotes balance, reduces temperamental outbursts or temper tantrums. It also tends to reduce frustration that can occur when learning new skills.


Traditionally recommended for for those who get "bored" easily. It is also beneficial for the relief of irritability, destructive behaviors and feelings of discontent.

#5-Melatonin and Valerian Root

May help with sleep and to develop a normal sleep pattern.

The truth about natural ADHD remedies are many herbs and botanical extracts are "soothing" and an effective natural treatment for ADHD. Natural remedies can be used for individual symptoms or can be a combination of herbal remedies or a blend of natural remedies.

Many factors may play a role in your child's behavioral problems. Diet is often part of the problem. Too much sugar, artificial colors and preservatives increase irritability, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Good nutrition is of the utmost importance. Kids need to eat right and take a good multi-vitamin, as well as an omega-3 or fish oil supplement.

If your child is hyperactive in school, change your routine. Get up early in the morning. Go for a brisk walk or run before school. Get him involved in an organized sport, karate or other physical activity that will help him or her "burn-off" some of that restless energy.

In conclusion, natural ADHD remedies must be properly prepared according to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia and you should only purchase the remedy from a reliable manufacturer. Do yourself a favor and try natural supplements for ADHD. Combined with good nutrition and simple lifestyle changes can be a highly effective alternative treatment for ADHD in order to get rid of bothersome symptoms such as erratic behavior, lack of concentration, hyperactivity, and twitching. Best of all, natural remedies are non-addictive and have no side effects whatsoever. Natural ADHD remedies use the power of natural ingredients to help restore balance at a cellular level in order to stabilize moods and encourage positive demeanor.

A Guide to Natural ADHD Remedies to Be Rid of Hyperactivity, Inattention and Restlessness

