My Son With ADHD

My Son With ADHD Video Clips. Duration : 1.48 Mins.

-THIS IS ALL DONE WITH HUMOR- MY father, brother and me were bored one friday night and decided to make a video about my brothers' mental gift or disorder, which ever you consider it to be. Before you leave mean comments about this video, realize my father is a gentle soul and would never yell at my brother the way he did here. My brother also takes his disorder very seriously, as well as the rest of my family. We want nothing more of this video to strike the people about this common disorder. Thank you. -From the team- Boy: Jeremy Smalley Father: Donald Smalley Camera: Jessica Smalley

Keywords: adhd, add, mr, saftey, paint, information, my, son, father, glasses, yelling, screaming, laughing, keep, quiet, hyper, activity, disorder, deepinswim

