Adult ADHD - Myth or Reality? (Part 2 of 2)

Adult ADHD - Myth or Reality? (Part 2 of 2) Tube. Duration : 5.23 Mins.

The overall film is 15 min long. This part are only the last 5 min., to watch the whole documentary, please search for - Adult ADHD - Myth or Reality? (Part 1 of 2) Attention Deficit Disorder - ADHD - is considered to be a condition which teenagers grow out of once they reach the age of 16-18. In wide parts of our society - and even in some professional circles - this is believed to be the case. This documentary examines whether Adult ADHD really is a myth or has, in fact, become a stark reality. The documentary "Adult ADHD - Myth or Reality?" was my final film/work for my University course. If you like this film, please forward the link to as many people as possible - this is the only way to raise awareness.

Tags: ADHD, Adult ADHD, ADD, Hyperactivity, ADHS, ADHS bei Erwachsenen, ADS, Hyperaktivitaet, hyperaktiv, women, woman, Frau, Frauen, female, weiblich

